Grey Matter
We have stopped to behold
a chasm of spasmodic observance.
They witness silence nor ringing
An aural landscape, rain touching tongues
Speech will blister their skin
vision creates remnants
...Truth floating
Eyes closed looking upon a populace
Ears wide shut hearing a roar of silence
Halted, abrupt glittered with frowns
twisting to kiss an embrace
A succinct mouth, the pouting of ages
cerebral and hung low
draped sullen in disrepair
We arrive having traveled
without moving
folding space
The head jerks...awake
a pool of youth
Hunched age slumbers
Doors ajar
passed rooms with murmured melodies
hummed panting, the breaths of age
A crowded room of memories
a single window of love remains opens
I keep it open and she remembers
a breeze and she thanks me for it
A wave because I move
Away from where the pitch of time
holds her
My tears for one who I
protect from a dragon whose breath burns
And ages her wrinkled, toddling comrades
encircling her and taking her from me.
Wings flapping and blinding me, taking her.
I cannot see my only forever friend
she sees me forever.
My head buries her, my heart carries her.
"Sweetness...I know you not..."
"Of lightly heart I come to know my
forever friend no more"
I weep for she goes not the way for which
I compel her towards..."Here! Here! Follow Me!
I trumpet
To no avail she sees no shout
nor hears me blaze alight.
Limp is she as if in milk
We all stand erect charcoal figures
In mourning, whetted for pallet’s bored
Observing a feather fall
The last feather of grey
I Want To Be a Black Russian!!!
Hi Anderson, I just got back from seeing "Eastern Promises." It was incredibly powerful. Can you spell Oscar, Viggo? The films director, David Cronenburg made me even like Naomi Watts and that is no small feat. I have to ask you, dear
Anderson, I know that you know what a good kiss is (wink)...and I shiver with antici------------------pation…. until the next one and I am vetted in my dream of our (wink) movie version having as much palpable tension as the incredibly intense, dangerous, male sensuality within which Mr. Kronenburg imbued his powerful film...somewhere on a Canadian cutting room floor…Mr. Kronenburg is from up there… is that kiss between Vincent Kassel and Viggo...I can wish can’t I?..I saw it happening....DAMN!! I may be but a foolish dreamer but I don’t care...We all love rough trade---You have your boriqua boy-flesh and well the ‘thug’ thing is everywhere (Wink)--I guess it depends on whether or not you like your Russians Black, White or brown… inked and on the rocks with a clef in the chin-It makes no never mind...just as long as they can’t say “peripatetic” and form complete sentences…for most that might scintillate. For me they best be able to make a good cocktail. Now that’s a good drink.
“Life is a GREAT WHITE MAN …old chum…”Part I
As you know I have returned home to
*I know that word is certain to bother you and I suppose those of us who know what it means only banter it about because we are privileged enough to have gone through therapy (years and years and years of it) to know that to understand dysfunction is to understand the true meaning of the entity of all living beings…in other words…we have time enough to plod through our life trajectories and arrive in our forties and go “ Oh god I am so passive aggressive and I used drugs and drank too much when I was trying to have a career and now I am all alone with my four dogs, 3 cats and my ferret, Chewbaca…I must have had a father that fought in the Big War and got his MBA from Harvard on the GI Bill and then ignored me until he smiled when he made CFO of the largest bank in the continental United States and sort of publicly thanked his family which shortly therafter about to be split into fifths…he didn’t share much until he lay in his death bed and like the good ole boy he thought he must be said “ I ‘m sorry I was such a bad father.” And then I say: “Oh no you were the bestest father I never had…and I hate you. But…but…but I love you….” The sobbing leads to drooling all over his crisp hospital linens and he looks at the catheter in his arm and then his lower lip quivers and I have to truly love this man who ignored me as a child and made me love Harry Chapin…’cause I grown up just like him….he who never learned to cry and left my mom for a younger woman exacerbating her depression and poorly timed attempted suicide caused by her plummeting to the depths of the abyss-low self esteem and alcohol induced dementia…but I have to love him…I have to…his lip gives way to real live tears…I can see them…he shoots his eyes up at me as my drool just misses his wrist with the shunt in it….he mutters something with a vibrato induced by his lip quiver and then his raises him arms towards me for me to enter into them…..like the lowering of the gate to his castle over the mote I traipse and I collapse on his chest in a gooey glob of a conundrum like puddle of misdirected affection…in the end it is affection nonetheless…no, its love.
You know love