Omigod! Anderson are you awake! I am up early but Anderson wake the ***k up! ALBERTO GONZLAES finally ate his own law and order enchilada!...I apologize to any and all Latinos for that, it just came out...truth be told though he is first and foremost a slimy, morose, dirt bag lawyer- who in, representing the highest position of legal jurisconsult in the nation, lied. He chose to align himself with that already rabid pack of hooty eyed hyena's, headed by cheap "under the door sniffer" Karl Rove, who also resigned last week-halle-lOOOOOjah!--Hey hello!? Don't people get that there is this natural- revving up of universal righteousness jack hammers readying for the hardcore battering ram called---cause and effect and thereby the implosion of this rather "teetering like Pisa" administration--how many felon's liars and power mongers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Quite frankly I don't know but I do know this Anderson---the resignations and the house cleaning over at Pennsylvania Avenue is going to continue until Mr. Mission Accomplished-rids himself of all his riff-raff---he knows most people are too busy being poor and getting kicked out of their homes to care and that Americans have short-term memory loss like Dorey- the little blue fish in Finding Nemo- well at least she could talk whale and saved Marlin and herself from an apparently imminently fatal situation...but gee whillikers---Alberto just done gone on and messed up the Justice Department and well better he's gone sooner than later---its all about the DECONSTRUCTION OF GEORGE W--I just want to see Dick (The Shooter) Cheney get in a teeensy weensey bit of trouble---his slides through every loop hole like a social worker on crack--Just tell them Anderson.....tell the children that the gilded choo choo is off the track ---talk about a jaundiced administration....Anderson? I am going to go walk the dog-but when I get back I want you to have readied a response to this immensely joyous and thereby nurturing fodder for us lefty-pee-o'd buck-fusher's----oh yeah I am looking to hear Air America this A.M.!!!! Gonzales ate the watercress tamale. Buh Bye...BERT....I wish you could have gotten impeached but resigning works too, right Anderson?...I love you Anderson....
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