Hi Anderson, you must be getting ready for another broadcast from the front lines...I really don't like it much that you are conceivably in harms way. But I suppose you are okay. I liked the way your rather tighty T-shirt a-la mid 90s Chelsea gym buff look worked for you. Col. Kershaw was looking pretty hot himself. Kissing all up on those al Queda hating Iraqi Sheiks and breaking the pita bread...I hate to say it but I got a little heated-in a good way about you and him skipping the light fantastic...you and Col. Michael Kershaw (above right)-with his all American good looks and Jar head fade, strong jaw, muscular shoulders and big All-American hands with his big All-American fingers and his big All American wedding band---which was reflecting in your bluey-baby-blues...I guess he could get all-Larry Craig on you--and solicit sex in a Persian Out House---but then again I know you to be true and well having you over there all gay in front of the American Military and Islamic Sheiks when you are my true to life homo hero-- You are doing allot of asking and telling....this makes me smile. Thank you for being over there btw...the American media continues to bombard us with the ubiquitous distractions of a fat Brittney Spears, a Bulimic jail bird Paris Hilton, a sign of hope for a thought to be paraplegic Kevin Leverett of the Buffalo Bills, an impending hurricane name Humberto moving towards the Gulf coast and an upcoming Jodi Foster movie---I had to include my secret love-Christian Bale( above left)- who's new movie "3:10 to Yuma" is also steeped in homo-eroticism's--unfortunately juxtaposed to Russell Crowes--way-to-macho-even-more-than-Kershaw stances aggravate more then scintillate.
This all being said Anderson, you are missed and I look forward to seeing you later this evening on CNN live from Iraq...you watch your Ps and Qs and its really okay that you haven't called me in a while...nobody really does...oh btw please do something with Dennis Kucinich...I heard him today on the Ed Schultz Show with his wife and dammit he is just really an amazingly compelling and compassionate, smart, tenacious and caring man...he is just so aligned with life...and he really understands what it means to be a human being...he gets what it means to strive to become better....couldn't you introduce him more to the public and his amazingly beautiful wife-who is Brittish and has her M.S. in International Conflict Resolution! She has it going on and she is Stunning! do you hear me...any couple where the husband is sort-of- dweeby...has got to be packing not only a sizable missile he has got the technology and wherewithall to compell, please and empower a gifted and talented woman....talk about a spirit of reciprocity rock on Dennis! Anderson...get him, interview him and propose to the other canidates that they avail themselves to do the same...I will so be there...tty soon...
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