Dear Anderson...I am feeling it important to tell you about myself as I love you and I want you to know...well a little smidgen about little ole me....I donlt want you to be upset because I am living in the fast lane, and I am obviously way more accomplsished than you...but nevertheless I will give it a shot...oh btw...the pic? below is when I received my MFA....just sharing until something more risque comes along or you do...(@#$%^&*() (Snort, grunt, snarl, giggle)
So here is my bio: M Allan Davis is an accomplished dancer, choreographer, writer director, artist, investment broker, aerialist, commodities broker, forensics specialist, oncologist, paleontologist,and a 2008 doctoral candidate in Barbie Genitalia at the University of Ukrapkachovitch (U.U.) He has performed on Broadway in THE LION KING, danced with Tony award winner Bill T. Jones in his dance company and lived in Europe for 11 years, primarily in Germany. M (not the character in James Bond), received a Gold Medal in Ice Dancing from the United States Figure Skating Association and is a coach and member of the Professional Skaters association. He recently received his MFA in Theatre from Smith College and his B.A. in Dance and Performance from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He has written poetry, painted little pink hearts, yellow moons, orange hearts and green clovers all on his own without anyone making him know it was arts and crafts time. He designed the sets for Loves, Rhythms and Rhymes at the Triad Theater in New York and studied production design on film...but you have to be in a union to actually get a job in film and to get a job in film you have to be in a union (You can go and figure that one) His hobbies include photography, film criticism, political satire, origami, conspiracy theories, Stephen Sondheim, desserts and deciphering racial profiling. He can also crochet a mean sweater and has a knack for memorizing libretto's from musicals. Mark is a contributing writer for the Dance on Camera Journal and soon About Time Magazine. He speaks fluent German and very mediocre Italian. He is featured in the book Passion and Line by photographer Howard Schatz with portraits of dancers from America's finest dance companies. Mark currently lives in Western New York State with his family and his American Mastiff Pup, Ella. He speaks fluent German and very mediocre Italian. He has never been awarded a Guggenheim, Fulbright... nor a Rockefeller but would be real happy if he had!
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