Hi Anderson, I have been busy and wanted to wait a few days to listen to my girls on Air America toss Larry Craig-itus around...I hit the jackpot today...Rachel Maddow, Stephanie Miller, Randi Rhodes...they all romped all over it...The Neo-cons are all holding their noses saying "Eeeeew-gay sex in airports...I know Anderson that you, as a gay man have never had to...nor wanted to spank a monkey or slurp on a silly straw in a public potty--but hey all us 40 something gay men saw and quietly nodded our heads when watching "Prick Up Your Ears"...Gary Oldman as the promiscuous playwright Joe Orton...well anyway Anderson it can be kind of exciting...but especially so when excitement for all those conservatives is a mutated form of indignation...one of their own gets caught...how many married men cruise rest area's with car seats in the back of their Escalades and Lincoln Town Cars...fondle and grope and tap their feet to imply their readiness to orally pleasure and peer through Crevices...living in a world where we are forced to do so...Andrew Solomon, in his biblically dense atlas on depression "The Noonday Demon" speaks readily of internalized homophobia...I mean who knows why Owen Wilson tried to kill himself...but for sure Larry Craig's breeder-minded macho stances and rabid attacks against...anything remotely suggestive of lightness in loafers and raining on parades is obviously, without having to take Internalized Homophobia 101 to understand...gets that the only place that's left to partake in the expression of sexuality between men who hate themselves with other men who hate themselves should be in places where men are definitely going to be and have their hand on their Oscar Meyer...in a stall or at a urinal! where one is sure to find a man with his stoicism in his hand...and thereby must perpetuate that sole perversion of the soul by having taboo sex in taboo places....duh...Even gay men look down upon other gay men...especially the ones who are more feminine, who yield to other men....they are less-than...well, the men who pretend they don't want to be yielded unto. It's like inter-race racism...the light skinned slaves got to be in the warm house closer to massah...hello?!! resent will ensue....Mitt might resent Larry cause he almost got some....anyway the slaves...so Massah like to keep his house on the lighter side...so the children he fathered we more Chai than Mocha...more Oatmeal than Brownie...his Euro-spermanations hastened by his MR. WIGGLIES and whatever poor African Goddess whom had to bear not only his violence and disregard but who had to watch her children be torn away from her and... (ANDERSON IS THIS GETTING HEAVY?) lets just say the house slaves were hated by the field slaves...Spike Lee made a musical "School Daze" about this inter-race racism...which, just like jazz was created in and for America!!It just wouldn't be home without it...I digress...so we come back to the antics of yet again more of the same types of men (GWM) who created the little slave issue I just got through talking about...SO Today on Rachel Maddow some guy from Idaho (what is the last syllable of this state...?) Family values was agitating me and made Maddow giggle...I wanted to finish him... I digress...before all the Value-family packagers could slurp on their Anita Bryant sippy cups-they are asking Craig to step down because as Mitt Romney said the other day of Craigs desire for man flesh-"Its Disgusting..." no Mitt honey---you are disgusting-what choices does Larry Craig, the man-flesher have?--I mean I am currently living like an ascetic monk...but Craig is out there man he's doing it....he's lied, contradicted and hey he really has proven to be ...I'm gonna swallow with pride here cause he has done this better than anybody because he...he....he got caught...the guy is a hypocrite...yup...they are a rare birdie hypocrites but Craig is for sure one of 'em...I'd stake my life on it...his entire being and existence in pure unalderated hypocrisy...all men are pigs mind you and I am a man who knows....Larry Craig just happened to, by his airporty actions shout it out a little louder than most and at a rather in appropriate place...the cause is what is so relevant here Anderson not the effects....it's not okay to be gay...somebody has to be hated in this country and you are talking to a gay, black buddhist....hey whats not to hate...at least I have turned a big corner in my racing-forward-like-a bullet midlife---that so many people even in my own family are afraid of me...sometimes even their afraid not to show that they are afraid to show that they are terrified of me---hell I was terrified of myself up until about a week ago.... and I in turn hated myself (funny how that works)...I have had sex in toilets...both with myself and other people even....all across the globe I have...I don't need to anymore though( Or perhaps that rest area one over on route 1-5) I mean what shoes should I wear? They say Craig tapped his foot which suggests that means that he was soliciting sex...( I saw that in a porn movie once...there was no sound back then 8mm) I would have to believe him. The only gay sex that he could find...and I know this for a fact... would be if that plain clothes cop was wearing Prada Shoes and Marc Jacobs slacks...anyhoo...when I did the toilet cruising thing Anderson it was for kicks...I was out-(of the closet) always have been...but where my life intersects with Sen. Larry Craig's is where it diverges...I never ever hated myself so much that I would make it my life mission to have the rest of the world hate homosexuals as much as I hate myself because I am a homosexual(did you get that?) No Anderson I am not Blond! Craig...he is a Shakespearean Tragedy and I am Shakespearean Comedy..I'm more like "The Merry Wives of Windsor" or hermetic like Jacques in "As You Like It"...The Great White Man Larry Craig though is emblematic of what will continue to go on in this country...hypocrisy and short term memory loss...depression and ESPN....Michael Vick talk a bout what a shame locking him up...so sweet and he so apologized really really rough call there with him...bad thing with the dogs...dumb dumb dumb...such a beautiful man...the dichotomy makes me want to barf...(like the picture I have here of Larry Craig...doesn't he look like he is so going to hurl? Anderson, look out!....lol...lol....I"m just joking Anderson...But it is all about Neo-cons and ....legislators and whores and Alberto our fave...celeb Lawyer...as far as many are concerned...Larry Craig is disgusting and is in good company....as far as Mitt is concerned...well Mitt you have a full head of hair and I think that is disgusting...Brigham Young had 120 people massacred in the 19th century(bad Mormons, bad Mormons)...Mit, how different are you? Good night Anderson...kissies